Protecting the Genuine Ball Chair

Eero Aarnio

Protecting Eero Aarnio’s design classic - the Ball Chair

Eero Aarnio (born 21 July 1932 in Helsinki) is a Finnish interior designer, noted for his innovative furniture designs in the 1960s, such as his plastic and fibreglass chairs.

Aarnio studied at the Institute of Industrial Arts in Helsinki, and started his own office in 1962. The following year, he introduced his Ball Chair, a hollow sphere on a stand, open on one side to allow a person to sit within.

Image @ Aarnio Originals

The Ball Chair is one of the most well-known chairs in the world. Dottir Attorneys represents Eero Aarnio and Eero Aarnio Originals brand in their fight against counterfeits and Ball Chair replicas worldwide.

Eero Aarnio’s brand, trademarks and copyrights had not been enforced before, and the iconic Ball Chair had become one of the most copied pieces of decorative art in in the world.

However, due to the strict enforcement strategy and actions taken since, trademark and copyright infringements have been successfully brought under control on the large markets – and the original Ball Chair was preserved.