Pekka Aho

+358 40 723 2828
Dispute ResolutionlPekka is a dispute resolution specialist with strong experience in litigation and international arbitration. At Dottir his practice has focused on the tech industry and Pekka has accumulated a wealth of experience in managing complex and high value technology related disputes. Pekka is also a leading expert in sports law and has acted as counsel in over a hundred sports-related dispute resolution proceedings.
Since 2019, Pekka has acted as an arbitrator in the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne, Switzerland and he is also a mediator approved by the Finnish Bar Association. Pekka is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Turku with the topic “Dispute Resolution Design – applying behavioral law and legal technology to arbitration”.
Buy-out clause disputes under the FIFA Regulations – when to take action, LawInSport, 2014
Kansainvälisen jalkapallon riidanratkaisu FIFA:ssa, Urheilu ja Oikeus, Asiantuntija-artikkeli, 2012
Application of FIFA Article 18 Bis: the case of Tampere United, World Sports Law Report, 2011
Court of Arbitration for Sport 2010 Sääntöuudistus, Urheilu ja oikeus, Asiantuntija-artikkeli, 2010
Overview of the latest developments in gaming legislation in the Nordic countries,, 2009
The bear and the poker players; on the taxation of poker winnings in Finland,, 2009
Dottir Attorneys Ltd
- Counsel, 2021–
Court of Arbitration for Sport
- Arbitrator, 2018–
Applex Attorneys Ltd
- Attorney-At-Law, 2018–2021
Studio ELSA Avvocati Associati
- Lawyer, 2011–2017
Lèvy Kaufmann-Kohler
- Lawyer, 2010–2011
AA Legal Finland
- Lawyer, 2008–2009
Also experience from working at
- Studio Legale e Commerciale Trimboli
- Suomen Lakitieto Oy
- Helsinki District Court
- PhD researcher, University of Turku, present
- Licentiate of Laws, University of Helsinki, 2021
- Master in International Sports Law, ISDE Madrid, 2010
- Master's Degree, Law, University of Helsinki, 2008
- Licensed Legal Counsel
- Finnish, English, Swedish, Italian